Application Interpretation on 21 essential points of Tung's acupuncture point
Mit Dr. Tseng Tien-te
Tung's acupuncture point has long been popular all over the world and it is one of the treasures of the acupuncture world. Tung's acupuncture point theory is well known for its magnificent and quick effect despite it being simple and easy to learn. Moreover, this theory is based on and consistent with ancient and modern knowledge. We can treat up to 200 types of diseases by using Tung’s acupuncture point.
Dr. Tian-Te Tseng is one of the main inheritors of Tung's acupuncture point, he has been sharing Tung's acupuncture point in Taiwan, China and around the world for more than 20 years. In this course, he summarized the location, related meridians, main indication areas, needling depth, and indications of the 21 essential points of Tung's acupuncture point, also with the special point groups to treat common diseases. He also shared many of the clinical cases in this course, which he treated by combining with the knowledge he inherited from his teachers and also integrating ancient and modern Chinese medicine knowledge.
This course comes with the e-book "21 Essential Points Locating Manual ", which introduces the acupuncture points and their selection method in detail with pictures and descriptions, allowing readers to follow the instructions and locate the acupuncture point step by step.
No matter if you are a Chinese medicine practitioner, Western medicine physician, rehabilitation physician, or acupuncture enthusiast, you can understand the core theory and master the application of Tung's acupuncture point through this online course in a short period. Thus achieving great results in clinical practice, helping patients to relieve pain quickly and improve their quality of life.
Accredited Video Course
(lifetime access)
9 CEU credits (EMR, TCM-Fachverband and ASA)
Course fee: CHF 250.-
Course duration: 8.4 Std.
Watch and rewind video as often as you like
Learn at your own pace
Certificate included
Ask your questions to your lecturer by e-mail
Course overview
Episode 1
Skript Episode 1
Important points of the Finger (11.00)
The Inheritance of Tung’s Acupuncture Point
The Origin of Tung’s Acupuncture Point
1 WuHu (11.27)
Point Locating and Manipulation Demonstration
Episode 2
Skript Episode 2
Important Points of the Hand and the back of the Hand(22.00)
2 TuShui (22.11)
3 LingGu (22.05)
4 DaBai (22.04)
5 ChongZi (22.01)
6 ChongXian (22.02)
Point Locating and Manipulation Demonstration
Episode 3
Skript Episode 3
Important points of the Finger (11.00)
7 MuHuo (11.10)
8 FeiXin (11.11)
9 ErJiaoMing (11.12)
10 FuYuan (11.22)
Point Locating and Manipulation Demonstration
Episode 4
Skript Episode 4
Important Points of the Fingers(11.00) and Back of the Hand(22.00)
11 SanChaSan (A.04)
12 ZhongBai (22.06)
13 HuoXi (11.16)
Point Locating and Manipulation Demonstration
Episode 5
Skript Episode 5
Important points of the Calf (77.00)
14 ShenGuan (77.18)
15 CeSanLi (77.22)
16 ZuYiZhong (77.05)
Point Locating and Manipulation Demonstration
Episode 6
Skript Episode 6
Important points of the Thigh(88.00)
17 TongShen (88.09)
18 TongGuan (88.01)
19 SiMaZhong (88.17)
20 ZuJie (88.28)
21 MingHuang (88.12)
Point Locating and Manipulation Demonstration
Tien-te Tseng
- Studied under internationally acclaimed acupuncturist Wei-chieh Young and is a primary inheritor of the Tung Acupuncture lineage.
- Received Ph.D From Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, visiting professor at Five Branches University in California, licensed Chinese doctor in Taiwan and China.
- Invited to lecture on Tung Acu in America, Europe, China, Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Given over 250 such lectures.
- Published Transmission of Core Insights into Tung Acupuncture (Jyin Publishing Company)